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Other Foreign Language Resources

Spanish pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and other resources with appropriate exercises.

Spanish conjugations with appropriate exercises.

Variety of subjects, including Spanish and German that follow the Holt McDougal series, such as Avancemos and En EspaƱol for Spanish and Auf Deutsch for German with self-check quizzes. There are other subjects, such as language arts, math, science, and social studies, again based on the Holt McDougal series.

An app to look up words from English to Spanish and Spanish to English along with various definitions and various phrases.

A website to look up every conceivable language to translate into every conceivable language.

Flashcards online that students can type in both the target language and the English translation.

Advanced Spanish Grammar, by Marcial Prado, 1997 ISBN: 0-471-13448-1

Comprehensive Grammar instruction and exercises in an inexpensive paperback book. This is a great review and reference guide for the Level 2 or 3 student.

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