CWCS English Learner Department Reclassification Policy
Five Step Guide for Reclassifying English Learners
Step 1: Review ELPAC results from Annual Assessment
An overall ELPAC score of 4 is required to pass the ELPAC and move on to any of the other areas for reclassification.
Step 2: Comparison of Performance in Basic Skills
The Assessment and the EL Department reviews results of latest local and state assessments in English-Language Arts. The team will assess to ensure that the student scores a Level 3 or 4 on CAASPP*. If the Step 2 requirements are achieved, then we will proceed to Step 3. If the Step 2 requirements are not achieved, then the student remains an English Learner.
In lieuof the CAASPP, which most students did not take due to the pandemic, the state is allowing a test that measures mastery of the state standards. We are using iReady. For a student to be reclassified, they should score at or above grade level in iReady.
Step 3: Evaluation of Student Academic Performance
The Education Specialist and the EL Department reviews the student's academic performance. The team will evaluate to ensure the student is meeting all course requirements in ELA, ELD, and any required math courses. If the Step 3 requirements are achieved, then proceed to Step 4. If the Step 3 requirements are not achieved, the student remains an English Learner.
Step 4: Parent or Guardian Opinion and Consultation
The ES contacts the parent/guardian to consult with the parent/guardian and reach agreement to reclassify. If Step 4 requirements are achieved, then the student will proceed to Step 5, in which reclassification begins to take place. If an agreement is not made, then the student remains an English Learner.
Step 5: Reclassification of Student
Congratulations! The student is reclassified to Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP). The parent/guardian is notified of reclassification and CWCS student records are updated. As mandated by the state of California, RFEP students are monitored for four years to ensure their continued growth and success.
Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) is used in Grade 1.
Student must have a minimum standard score of 100 on WRA
This decision guide is based on Guidelines for Reclassification of English Learners which was approved by the State Board of Education.