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High School Intensive (HSI) Plan Policy

High School Intensive (HSI) Plan Policy

Updated 6.12.2023

To learn more about the HSI Policy development, please review CWCS High School Intensive Background


 What is the High School Intensive (HSI) Plan?

The HSI Plan is an intervention program set up to help all CWCS students achieve readiness for the Early Assessment Program to address the increasing number of incoming college students who require remediation in English and/or mathematics, and to ensure students earn their diploma. Earning the diploma is the first priority in a student's educational endeavors, and therefore will take precedence over other elective activities when planning the Instructional Funds budget. The High School Intensive programs can be expensive, and the parent/student must keep this in mind when making requests for other activities. As budget allows, materials, course access, and Effective Educator oversight will be provided for the student at no cost to the ESs’ student instructional funding (Educational Units or EU) accounts.  HSI courses are broken down into manageable lessons through additional supports and include synchronous or asynchronous instruction options to maximize student support.  Students are highly encouraged and may be required to have additional tutoring, or may opt to use additional tutoring to best support their success as determined by the parent and the Education Specialist. 


High School Intensive Composition

Who must participate in the High School Intensive (HSI) Composition?

  • HSI Composition Course: All 10th-11th graders who have not demonstrated proficiency in grade 8 standards or readiness for high school level coursework in English Language Arts. Optionally, students in grade 9 are encouraged to complete the HSI Composition Course if they feel additional support would benefit them for an early start towards college and career readiness.


Students in grade 12 who did not score a 3 or a 4 on the 11th grade English Language Arts CAASPP and who have not yet passed HSI Composition are highly encouraged to participate in corresponding HSI coursework.


Exemptions from the HSI Composition Coursework:

Students who:

  • have successfully passed a full year high school level AG English (college prep) course or Community College Course with an emphasis in writing with a letter grade of C or better

  • have scored a 3 or 4 on an 8th grade level (or higher) CAASPP ELA portion

  • are currently designated English Learners and are participating in an English Language Development (ELD) Support Class.


Additional Information Regarding HSI Composition


High School Intensive Math

Who must participate in the High School Intensive (HSI) Mathematics?


HSI Math (For 9-12th grade students who have not yet passed Algebra 1 and demonstrated Algebra readiness):

Students in grades 9-12 who have not yet passed Algebra 1 and have not yet shown Algebra readiness must have an approved High School Intensive course placement with an approved CWCS Effective Educator (EE). 


These options include the following courses depending on recommended placement for the student: 

  • APEX CTV General Math Foundations (CMS with EE) asynchronous 

  • APEX CTV Math Foundations II (CMS with EE) asynchronous 

  • Pre-Algebra (CMS with EE) synchronous 

  • APEX Pre-Algebra (CMS with EE) asynchronous 

  • Intensive Algebra 1 (CMS with EE) (2-year stretch) synchronous

  • APEX Algebra 1 (2-year stretch) (CMS with EE) asynchronous 

  • General Algebra 1 (CMS with EE) (1-year) synchronous

  • APEX CTV Algebra 1 with EE (1-year) asynchronous 

  • a-g Algebra 1 (CMS with EE) synchronous

  • a-g Algebra 1 (PLS with EE - Portfolio Review) asynchronous 

  • a-g Algebra 1 (APEX CTV with EE) synchronous

  • Teachtown Curriculum (upon approval) with EE Oversight asynchronous 

Please follow the Math Placement Policy for approved instructional options for students needing to pass Algebra 1. Administration will also help with placement suggestions.  


Important note:  Students who chose to work in Apex courses for HSI Math should review the Apex High School Intensive (HSI) Math Responsibilities & Guidelines with their parents/guardians and ESs for maximum success prior to selecting this option.  


Exemptions from the HSI Math Coursework:


Algebra is considered on level for 9th grade.  However, not all 9th graders may be ready for Algebra 1.  Students entering into 9th grade who show proficiency in Grade 8 standards via one or more of the following ways may work in any standards aligned Algebra 1 course with EE or ES oversight as per CWCS policies: 

  • Students who score end of year Grade 8 or higher on iReady in either the fall of their 9th grade year or earlier; 

  • Students who score 3 or 4 on CAASPP Math in Grade 8

  • Students who have documentation of completing Algebra 1 in 8th grade with approved EE oversight

  If you have any questions about placement or instructional options, please contact [email protected].  



High School Intensive

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do students have to participate in High School Intensive?

Yes, if they fall into the guidelines above.


  • Can I opt out my Special Education Student?

Not necessarily.  Students with IEPs (SPED Students) who are on track to earn a diploma are required by law to meet or exceed the standards. For many students, this is very challenging. However, the HSI program may be a good fit for many of our SPED students. Some students may also benefit from our Teachtown curriculum upon administrative approval.  


  • Can my student enroll in a-g ELA instead of the HSI Composition or an a-g Algebra course instead of an HSI math course?

Any student who is ready for a-g coursework should be encouraged to enroll in an a-g class, however, they would also complete HSI Composition simultaneously.  Students would earn English Language Arts credit for both courses.  HSI Composition focuses specifically on composition skills needed to boost overall success in Math, Science, Social Studies and English classes, as well as better prepare them for success on the Grade 11 CAASPP and for life beyond high school.  


A-G Algebra 1 is always an option for any student wishing to enroll in this course. No other math course would be needed while enrolled in a-g Algebra 1.  


  • What does “asynchronous course” mean?

Asynchronous means the student does not need to attend class at a specific time with a live instructor. They can work at their own pace to understand and master the material.  As they submit designated assignments, an Effective Educator will provide feedback and encouragement via Canvas, email, or other communication tools. However, the expectation is that the student still completes 5 credits each semester.  Please review the Apex High School Intensive (HSI) Math Responsibilities & Guidelines with their parents/guardians and ESs for maximum success prior to selecting the APEX asynchronous option. 


  •  If a student needs more instructional assistance than what the Course offers, what should they do?

If students need more support, ESs can arrange tutoring, family members, co-ops, AESS, or whatever suits the students' needs and style. Please reach out to [email protected] or either the math or ELA specialists for additional support if needed.  


  • Can a student set up their own intensive option?

No, students must complete the options provided; however, they can choose their own tutor or “knowledgeable other” if needed. They do not have to choose tutors from an approved list, and they may use Educational Units (aka: EUs) if needed.


  • What if a student is out of funding?

ESs may submit a Request for Additional Funds to their advisor with an explanation of why additional funds are needed. However, when budget allows, access to materials, course instruction, Effective Educator oversight and tutoring will be provided at no cost to ES’s Educational Units account for the student.  


For additional questions, you may contact [email protected] or reach out to your advisor at any time.  


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