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Computer and Typing Resources


Basic Computer Skills

  • Introduction to Computers Class Curriculum. This curriculum provide an introduction to computers, and includes basic Windows, word processing, Internet and email skills. You cannot cover all of the material in a typical 2 hour class, but you can introduce the basic skills in each section and let learners print out the entire curriculum as a resource.
  • Introduction to Computers. This site contains many sections and lots of basic information on computers, including hardware, software, keyboard basics, Windows 95, etc. The Windows 95 section has images that can still be applied to Windows 98 and 2000.
  • Tutorials - free tutorials through GCFLearnfree. You have to create an account to sign in, but if you want to try it out before creating your own sign-in, use: Member name: austinfreenet; Password: freenet 
  • Comprehensive Guide to Clearing Cookies

Keyboarding (Typing) and Mouse Resources

The resources below are especially for beginners who need help with these basic skills. The keyboarding activities are great for improving typing speed and accuracy, and the games are a lot of fun! 

Mouse Games

Typing / Keyboarding

Online, free web sites for learning to type. 

Learn to Type - This web site provides free keyboard training. It is easy to sign up, and if you don't have an email address, you can actually write in "I don't have one" in the space provided and you can still sign up! Warning - the games have nothing to do with improving typing skills (though they reinforce mouse skills).

Typing Test - This is a good online typing test that tracks both your speed and accuracy.

Self-Taught Typing Manual - This manual could be printed out and used even when not online.

Computer Programming

B.E. Publishing

  • Offers textbooks and online programs for courses in the following:
  • Computer/Office Applications
  • Digital/Computer Literacy
  • Digital Publishing (DTP/Web Design)
  • Internet/Cyber Education
  • Keyboarding

Udacity offers Introduction to Computer Science/Programming and Web Development courses.

Scratch, Students program their own interactive stories, games, and animations and share their creations with others in the online community. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively, essential skills for life in the 21st century. Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge.

Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids & Other Beginners by Warren Sande & Carter Sande ISBN: 9781617290923 - Hello World! provides a gentle but thorough introduction to the world of computer programming. It's written in a language a 12-year-old can follow, but anyone who wants to learn how to program a computer can use it. Even adults. Written by Warren Sande and his son, Carter, and reviewed by professional educators, this book is kid-tested and parent-approved. You don't need to know anything about programming to use the book. But you should know the basics of using a computer--e-mail, surfing the web, listening to music, and so forth. If you can start a program and save a file, you should have no trouble using this book.

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