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Testing Accommodations

Testing Accommodations on Local Assessments

Accommodations are provided based on student needs identified in the 504 or IEP whenever the accommodation does not impede the validity of the assessment. Students are NEVER allowed to have reading passages read to them for reading assessments of any kind. This would invalidate a reading assessment. Students who have reading accommodations may have some testing supports as outlined below. For blind students, please contact Michelle Day, Special Education Director or Shoni Johnson, Curriculum & Accountability Director for further assistance. If you have questions about accommodations on state assessments, please contact the Special Education office.
All testing requires a CWCS proctor.


i-Ready Accommodations:  

Students can not use the IEP/504 Accommodations on the i-Ready Diagnostic.   Please refer to the Accessibility Supports and Accommodations Matrix for i-Ready Diagnostics for some embedded and non-embedded supports that are available to all students or determined by an educator familiar with the student’s characteristics and needs. This assessment has a specific purpose.  Unlike the formative state assessment, iReady is a diagnostic assessment. We need to see where the students are performing at their independent skill level so that the lessons served up will build their independent skills to bridge to their instructional level (grade level ideally).  If we assess them with modifications, they won't receive lessons at their independent skill level to assist them in closing gaps.  Since this assessment does not go into their cume file, and does not affect their grades, it is more important that we use this as a tool to help support students build on their true skill levels.  There are some built in supports they can use that won't affect the placement of the student.  The test is adaptive, so it will adjust down to the student's independent level, however, ES can also change the student's starting place (Developmental Level) to give them more success if they are worried about the difficulty.

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