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English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)

The ELPAC is the test that is used to measure how well students in kindergarten through twelfth grade understand English when it is not their primary language. The ELPAC takes the place of the previous California English Language Development Test (CELDT). Identifying students who need help learning in English is important so these students can get the extra help they need to do well in school and access the full curriculum. The ELPAC has two parts: the Initial Assessment and the Summative Assessment. Students will take the Initial Assessment if: the student has a primary language other than English, the student has not taken the CELDT or ELPAC before, and if the student has not been classified before as an English learner. Then each year, students who are English learners will take the ELPAC summative to measure their progress in learning English.

For more information, please view the additional information on the following links:

ELPAC Overview Video

Parent Guide to Understanding the ELPAC (English)

ELPAC Parent Resources

Starting Smarter: How to use ELPAC score reports to better understand your child's progress

Practice and Training ELPAC tests

The ELPAC is aligned with the California English Language Development Standards (PDF)

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